Our nation and our continent is in trouble. We are teetering on the brink. So many problems and so much poverty. To many, life is hopeless. Sometimes we even make choices that rob us of hope. But at the end of the day, God remains the same, constant, never-changing, available to help us and, if we let Him, so willing to equip us out of the stickiest situations. Our continent does not have an economic problem, we have a discipleship problem.

Discipleship simply means teaching people to live according to God’s ways. And God’s ways work! We need more people, who are teaching many more people about His ways! Living according to His ways does not necessarily mean a trouble-free and prosperous life, but it does mean a life of thriving and growth. Of development and improvement. Of excitement and joy and SO MUCH HOPE!

“I am a 36-year-old mother of three who had a rocky history of bad choices, substance abuse and living in a shelter. I thought that I would never manage to find a job, let alone explaining in an interview what my current circumstances were. But God had a plan and I attended W4AL.

 W4AL empowered and equipped me with the strength, confidence and STICKABILITY that I needed to face my first interview. I am so proud to say that I nailed it and I started working after many years of unemployment. I was even honest about where I had come from and where I would like to be. W4AL opened up my mind to things in the workplace that I had taken for granted but that our employers really take note of, like taking personal “emergency” loans. I also learned how, in the workplace, I am constantly being evaluated and that I need to be excellent! Also, the concept of ‘giving back’(Ubuntu). 

It has taught me that maintaining good relationships with past employers will benefit me in the end. Honesty (no matter how hard it might be in the beginning) is always valued and appreciated.

 Attending W4AL was definitely one of the best choices I have ever made. For myself, my children and my future. And now it’s up to me to be all I can be, everyday!

Never give up hope, God is good all the time! Work for what you want in life. No one will knock on your door and hand it to you.”


Trust in the Lord and do good. Then you will live safely in the land and prosper. Take delight in the Lord, and he will give you your heart’s desires.

Commit everything you do to the Lord. Trust him, and he will help you.

(Psalm 37:3-5)