The Poverty Mindset says, “I am poor, I will always be poor, nothing is going to change!”
The consequence of this devastating mindset that we see so often is, “Each day, I watch the sun come up and each day I watch the sun go down. Doing nothing, watching TV – I know all the shows from morning till night. I never go out to look for opportunities because in my mind, I know that there are none. If people around me get opportunities, it’s because they are lucky or because they know someone.”
The end result is always poverty, anger and bitterness.
It is a powerful way of thinking that is debilitating and widespread. It is fueled by corruption, the past, thinking patterns handed down by parents and by adopting the thinking patterns of the immediate community around us. It is no respecter of colour, gender or age. We see so much of it at our W4AL Hubs.
What happens when this way of thinking, that is sometimes so deeply entrenched, is changed? What happens when it is replaced by a healthy worldview?
“WORK 4 A LIVING has taught me self discipline. How to carry myself around the workplace but most importantly W4AL has taught me how to be independent. From the day I started the W4AL class, I have become such a completely different person and in such a good way. I have let go of the poverty mindset and I have also learnt that I am not entitled to anything but I have to work for what I want and need. I am grateful for all that W4AL has taught us and shared with us. I am also grateful for our teacher (facilitator) who has been so loving, caring and supporting. She went all out to make sure that we are educated, motivated, encouraged and inspired to change our lives. It was like we’ve known her for a lifetime. From today onwards my life will never be the same again. All thanks to W4AL, I am working!”
Nosiphiwo attended W4AL, unemployed and robbed of hope. Her mindset was radically transformed. Equipped through the W4AL principles of excellence and with her hard work, Nosiphiwo became unstoppable. She is breeding chickens and runs a garden that sells veggies and seedlings in Zwelihle in the Western Cape. She has started empowering fellow women by paying their fees to do the W4AL Course.
“Remember” she says, “It is not normal to sit at home doing nothing.What is normal is to provide for yourself and your family. If you can’t find a job in the meantime, start a small business!”