
Our vision is a W4AL presence in every city, town or village where there is poverty or need.

Your support is crucial

Partner with us in one of two ways:

Start a W4AL center

Start a center at your church or organisation’s premises, where you facilitate the WORK 4 A LIVING Job Readiness course, basic skills courses and the WIRED 4 Business program. We will provide you with the model, know-how and facilitator training. 

Run an online W4AL program

Partner with us online as a Foundational course facilitator, through

Our Foundational WIRED 4 Business program is done as a facilitated 20 session course followed by 10 mentoring sessions, in English, Spanish or Portuguese. The WIRED 4 Business facilitator training is available online, with training for our Job Readiness Foundational course to be online soon.

We prefer students to work through the Foundational courses in facilitated groups, as our experience shows that this model delivers better long term results, as compared to individual learning.